05 February 2011

Utah Bed Making!

Last weekend Miriam and I went to Utah to visit friends and to celebrate that we had been in Idaho for an ENTIRE month! Crazy time has gone but so quickly. Of course, in the moment it doesn't seem like time is going by that quickly but a month is a month whatever way you look at it. :)
For the first night I stayed at one of the sister missionaries apartment that taught me, "Sister" Christal Dent. This is how my bed was made... Step by step, just in case anyone wants or needs to repeat this wonderful creation!

 Step 1: Lay down couch cushions on the floor.
 Step 2: Lay a cute sheet on top and tuck under the sides.
 Step 3: Place pillow at the head of the bed.
 Step 4: Lay first blanket on top of sheet.
 Step 5: Lay second blanket on top of first blanket.
 Step 6: Lay top blanket over everything else.
Step 7: Place a folded blanket at the foot of the bed just in case you get extra cold!

And so it is! A wonderfully made bed on the floor that is way better than the hard mean floor. :) Doesn't get much better then this, folks. These experiences make Utah trips even better! <3

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