05 February 2011

Miss Erika Ryan Weik!

Summer of 2009 the Alder Creek YSA Ward and the Clackamas River YSA Ward combined to make one big ward still being called Alder Creek YSA Ward. This is when it all began... I met Erika Ryan Weik. Though, we weren't insta-friends we became friends slowly over the months.
Then, next thing I know she's moving to Hawaii...
So, what was I supposed to do you ask? GO VISIT HER!
And this is what I saw! Welcome to Hawaii! Heck yes, I was totally down for this. :)
Reunited at last! She flew over to Da Big Island for a few days to visit us because she lives in Oahu. It was so great spending time with her and catching up.
We went to Rainbow Falls and she even birthed me in the picture! ;)
Then we went to the farmer's market and played around town.
Eventually we had to part ways, she had to go back to Oahu and we said our "I love you's"!
Then, I moved to Idaho for school and "got" to send her pictures like these, saying Aloha in the SNOW and not the sand. :)
In return I get kisses! :) I couldn't ask for a better friend!
I get amazing sunrise/sunset pictures with the love she confesses to me daily.
Erika loves me! I'm so lucky. :)
Lastly, she sends me Hawaiian sun! Not many things better than Hawaiian sun. :)

Erika always knows when and how to cheer me up when I'm down. Even a silly kissing picture can turn my frown upside down. Erika Ryan Weik, I love you mucho grande and I want to thank you for all you've done for me and all the many times you've listened to me complain and wine about the small things that don't matter. You're such a great friend and you deserve so much better than me! Thanks for putting up with me! I LOVE YOU! <3

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