11 December 2013

Eight days & 20 hours.

 A L U M N I.

That's what I'll be. What?! No way! I'm not ready for that title yet. I'm not old enough, educated enough, wise enough, ready enough.

As each day passes me by I try to enjoy the little things:
Starting class with a prayer.
The peace that comes with the snow (even though I complain about it often).
Professors that actually care.
Being surrounded by so many people strong in the gospel.
Learning both temporally and spiritually. 
My calling.
This beautiful gorgeous campus.
The Spirit that dwells here so strongly.
The temple just a stone's throw away.
...along with countless others.

I'm feeling like my readiness for this chapter of my life to come to a close is slowly creeping upon me. I'm already planning my next move, educationally, which makes this step even more sweet and less bitter.

These next eight days will be trying extremely trying! It will be nonstop but I'm trying to savor every. last. moment. 

I know I'll leave this place with tears in my eyes but they will be tears of joy rather than sorrow. I've done here all that I can and it's time. It's time to move on.