24 November 2012

Overnighted Mail=Mission Call in Spokane!

Yesterday I was reminded to check the mail precisely at 1pm because that's when we get our mail. Katie has been waiting a couple of weeks for her mission call to come and of course it would come when she's at home with her family for Thanksgiving break! When I opened the mail box I saw the big white envelope!
She was freaking out! (I would be too!) She called the Rexburg post office and they said I had TEN MINUTES to get it there before the truck was leaving to get it there by the next day! I rushed to the post office and paid $20 to get it there overnight. Haha! It was stressful. They had to keep the truck waiting on me so it would make it. Talk about a lot of pressure. Phew! I'm glad that's over with. Now, we just had to wait 24 hours until she got it.

I got a call around 1pm, my time and she said she was going to call me when it was time to open it. I was stressed out and nervous and anxious all at the same time. Finally, she called and we begun Skyping but there were issues so we had to resort to a phone call. But here she is waiting patiently on Skype...

I quickly got on the phone with her and recorded it via phone call! She's been called to serve in the Florida Orlando Mission speaking English and she enters the Provo MTC January 30, 2013! Crazy soon! But she's so excited. Fun fact- her older brother, Brad, served in the same mission just two years ago! How awesome! Click here to listen to her opening her mission call!

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