25 April 2011

Elder Tyson Lee Marsden.

This last semester at BYU-Idaho Miriam and I got really close with one of our FHE brothers. His name is Tyson and he is a preemie! He would hate that if he knew I just wrote that about him. The funny thing is is that when we first me him we thought he was an RM. Granted he is 19 years old he acts at least 21. ;) Lol. A few months ago he turned in his mission papers and got his call... He's going to Brisbane, Australia! He entered the MTC April 20th and will be there for a total of four weeks and then he's off to Aussie! He is so excited and I'm just about as stoked for him! Woot woot! We had many fun moments this last semester but here are a few that we captured!
 Tyson decided he wanted to decorate our living room. Lol.
 I like my Jamaba's SUPER thick and I was too full to finish mine so I offered it to Tys and it was "too thick" for him so he chose to use a huge wooden spoon to finish it up. Oh, Tyson...
 The night before we left Rexburg to go back home for spring break we decided we wanted to show him our love/prank him out of love! It was so fun. We "sticky noted" his car on the inside because it was wet on the outside. We bought a total of 1,200 sticky notes and used about 700-800 of them on the inside of his car.
We didn't just stick the notes on his windows... We indeed wrote little "love notes" to him on some of the sticky notes. It was such a fun prank! The sad thins was, in the middle of the prank he came out to his car! AH! We were freaked out because we didn't know how he would react. He didn't even care and asked us if we want to go on a "burrito run"! Haha. I love Tys! We made him leave while we finished the prank and made his cousin, also our friend, Kyle drive. I miss him already, he was pretty much our only friend in Rexburg. Haha. Now, he's off serving the Lord. I'm so happy for him. Love you Tys!


While I was home I got to stay a few night with my older sister, Tifany, and all four of her kiddos. It was so fun! She's also letting me store some things at her house, including  my games, so Nathan and I decided we wanted to play the game of Life. It was so fun!
Nate ended up having TWO sets of twins! And a total of FIVE kiddos! SO funny!
He ended up beating me with $900,000 and I barely had half that amount! Good job Nate!

The Brody!

I came home for spring break and Bri and I decided we needed to go to on a Bri/Crystal date! We decided to go to a comedy club and then to Papa Haydn's for food after. It was so fun!
We went to an improv comedy show at The Bordy Theater downtown off of Broadway. We got there about 30 minutes early because they normally sell out. Luckily we got there to get our tickets in time to see the show. I LOVE to laugh so I was beyond stoked for this night. Bri + comedy show = Heaven on Earth! :)

This scene above was HILARIOUS! Oh man! The guy in the brown shirt was sobbing and he was playing the other guys wife! I can't wait to go back to The Brody!
Yummy Papa Haydn's Desserts! Bri and I split the banana coconut cake. It was delish!

04 April 2011

Spring 2011

Believe it or not Winter 2011 semester is in it's LAST WEEK! It's about time, right?! I'm thinking so. I've never done semesters before, at least not in college. I've always has terms or quarters. Semesters are 13 weeks plus finals week and term are 10 weeks plus finals week. It's an entire extra month. Yikes is right. I'm just glad it's almost over. Less snow, less being inside, less cold, but not less school or wind! Haha. I think I'm going to try out for the softball team here for spring. I really hope I like it like I did back in the day when I lived and breathed softball. I'm also looking forward to the warm weather and no snow... Well, less snow at least. Idaho springs are absolutely unpredictable. This last weekend when I was down in Utah it was 70 degrees on Friday and Saturday and then Sunday we woke up to about SIX INCHES of SNOW! You're kidding me, right?! No! Ha. Welcome to Idaho and Utah. Barf. I'll stick to the predictable rain in Oregon. I love it back home.
This next semester I'll be taking 14 credits which I'm kind of unsure about because everyone keeps telling me that I won't want to be busy in the spring because I'll want to be outside playing in the beautiful weather. We'll see I guess. I'm taking mostly foundation classes which are all general education classes. They are: Book of Mormon 1, American Foundations, Anatomy & Physiology 2, Science Foundations, and Advanced Writing/Critical Thinking. All are required to get into the nursing program which is what my minor is going to be. Wish me luck! This week is finals and I have SIX finals for FIVE classes. A&P has two finals. I've already taken the lab final and I got a 102%!!! That means I only missed one questions and I couldn't be any happier. :) Now, I just need to keep it up for last five finals.
I'm ready to see some SUN and beautiful Idahoan sunsets! :)


A few week ago my apartment decided we wanted to go to Lava Hot Springs. It's about two hours away from Rexburg but totally worth it! We left at 6pm and got there around 8pm. We soaked in the hot springs for about and hour and a half and then had to leave to make it back for curfew at school. What was really cool and different about this hot spring facility was that there were 3 different temperatures so you could choose what one best suits you. The first one was real hard to get into because it was freezing outside! It took me like 5 minutes. Haha. I'm a wuss. Then the second was definitely warmer and the third was too hot to handle! There were like 5 people in there. I'm surprised I came out alive and not completely cooked! It hurt so bad. I could only get in to my waste. No thank you!
The pool at the bottom of the picture is the hottest! The one above it was the medium warmth and you can't really see the perfect one but it was so relaxing and I always sleep well after soaking in pure bliss! It was a great little get-a-way for us BYU-I kids that pretty much never leave campus/our apartments.

"Your Future Is As Bright As Your Faith"

I went down to Utah again this last weekend because I got tickets for General Conference from Lizzie's Dad back in Oregon. Per usual, it was amazing. This Conference really focused on service, marriage, and more than usual death. I actually heard many great things about priesthood session as well! I'm very excited to read it in the Conference issue of the Ensign. They announced three new temples, one in Idaho, Colorado, and Canada! I really want to go through an open house of one. I know there are a few being built in Utah right now! In fact I think during conference they said that there were 21ish temples in the process of being built. That's AMAZING! :)
The conference center is so huge and somehow I forget how big it is every time I go back. It also reminds me of the BYU-I center but bigger. I've been lucky enough to go to conference like four or five times now. Most people don't even get to go once in their lifetime. How grateful I am! 
 Inside the Conference Center!
Outside the Conference Center!


For a fun weekend, Miriam and I went down to Provo to visit friends and attend the Colors Festival in Spanish Fork which is just south of Provo. The Colors festival is at the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple. Here's a picture of it-
Basically, you go prepared to get filthy, if you want to have fun of course! You go and throw chalk in the air... My friends chose to throw it in your face and all over your body. Which of course makes in a million times more FUN! We actually couldn't get any before pictures because people threw chalk on us before we got the chance but we were all wearing clean clothes... and then...
Back Row- Ben, Nate, Missy, Nate, Kenna, Jess. Front Row- Miriam, Becca, Me!
This was the group of us that went together.. But we saw many familiar faces from school and home!

A few different phases I went through in the "chalking process". My face was many different colors this day.
This was right after the "official" throwing of the chalk.

 Becca in a cool action shot. Haha.
Right before we dusted off.