25 February 2011

101 Things To Do In 1001 Days!

I have this new desire to make goals and write them down! Here's my first time to do this cool thing called- 101 things to do in 1001 days! Basically, I just need to accomplish these goals in the 1001 days! Here we go! :)

Start date- February 25, 2011
End date- November 22, 2013

1.       Write in a journal every day for one month
2.       Start a gratitude journal
3.       Continue to read the scriptures everyday
4.       Magnify calling
5.       Go to the temple at two times a month while I’m at school
6.        Buy a mini black triple combination and get my name embossed on it
7.       Make a list of all the temples I’ve been to
8.       Memorize all Articles of Faith
9.       Finish the Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price
10.   Memorize all scripture mastery
11.   Watch general conference with three questions in mind
12.   Memorize Relief Society theme
13.   Study Preach My Gospel
14.   Go to the Kimball building to figure out my spring semester financial aid
15.   Pass all my classes with an A or B
16.   Volunteer for something at school three times a semester
17.   Buy books online- less expensive
18.   Start studying in the library
19.   Practice the piano four hours a week
20.   Volunteer to say the opening prayer in class at least two times a semester
21.   Continue to use daily planner

22.   Start out going to the gym at least once a week for a month
23.   Join an intermural sport at school- volleyball, softball
24.   Eat healthy meals
25.   Snack on fruits and veggies
26.   Cut out more sugar
27.   Drink two-three bottles of water a day
28.   Eat smaller portions
29.   Work on getting eight hours of sleep for two weeks

30.   Spend wisely
31.   Finish paying off two smaller credit cards by January 1, 2012
32.   Finish paying off big credit card by January 1, 2012
33.   Save $500 each semester for savings
34.   Apply for more scholarships
35.   Save money for a car

36.   Pre-plan for fun FHE’s
37.   Do at least two fun things a week
38.   Say yes if I get asked on dates
39.   Have a game night once a month
40.   Make new friends from my classes and do things with them
41.   Move to a different apartment complex

Arts & Crafts
42.   Make a quote wall
43.   Arrange a fake flower bouquet for my bedroom
44.   Make a scripture box for my mini’s
45.   Make Tifany an apron
46.   Make a rice sock
47.   Print pictures
48.   Make wreaths for each season

49.   See temple square during Christmas season
50.   Lake Powell in the summer
51.   Visit Camille in Florida in August
52.   6 Flags
53.   Visit home between each semester
54.   Go snowboarding
55.   Colors Festival in Utah- March 26
56.   Go camping at Andrew’s family cabin
57.   Seattle trip
58.   Yellowstone National Park
59.   Oneonta Falls

To Get-
60.   Snowboard bag
61.   Cute flats
62.   Find a few cute shirts
63.   Ice cream scoop
64.   Goggles

Cooking & Food
65.   Homemade ravioli
66.   Homemade pasta
67.   Can jam
68.   Try a new cookie
69.   Bake bread/rolls
70.   Make sushi
71.   5-Cheese lasagna
72.   No frozen food for a month
73.   Learn how to make fortune cookies
74.   Make homemade orange chicken
75.   Buy gum

76.   Stretch myself
77.   Support church activities
78.   Be more willing to pray publicly
79.   Serve others more often
80.   Look up potential hair ideas- color & cut
81.   Make a resume
82.   Transfer stuff from my old laptop to my new one
83.   Write- Marian, Janice, and Stan
84.   Take pictures when I do fun things
85.   Keep up on updating my blog- at least bi-monthly
86.   Clean bedroom window with bleach
87.   Paint my toe nails
88.   Visit the dentist- get teeth cleaned
89.   Wash make up brushes
90.   Send out Christmas cards
91.   Start my “Jumping” blog
92.   Skype my friends back home once a month
93.   Go to a show
94.   Get prescription sunglasses
95.   Bring decorations from home to put up in my apartment
96.   Smile at strangers more
97.   Walk with my head up on campus
98.   Watch a movie a month
99.   Compliment people when I think of them in my head
100.                        Complete  at least 90 out of 101 of these goal
101.                        Make another 101 list after this one is over

05 February 2011

Quick Trip!

Last weekend Miriam and  I decided it was necessary that we drive down to Utah to visit friends! And so we did! It's only about a four hour drive, which is nothing compared to the drive to Rexburg from Portland. 
This speed may have made it a little quicker then we had expected but we made it safe... ;) We didn't drive this fast the whole way. Don't worry. I think we were going down hill when we took this picture.
On the way down it was so nice out. We got to say hello to the sun AND the mountains! How beautiful. I don't think this will ever get old.
While we were in Provo we stopped at the mall and did a bit of shopping. I got some running shoes, pajama pants, and socks! You can never have too many socks. We ran into my good friend, Justin Bieber. He's no big deal... He just has cardboard cutouts of him in FYE stores. ;) I think he thought it was cold because he put his hood on right before this picture. He also looks a bit distracted because he's not looking at the camera. Oh well, next time I see him it'll be a different story.

On the way home it was nice out, again! We got really lucky this weekend. It didn't snow once, was just really cold! Hooray for no snow! :)

Miss Erika Ryan Weik!

Summer of 2009 the Alder Creek YSA Ward and the Clackamas River YSA Ward combined to make one big ward still being called Alder Creek YSA Ward. This is when it all began... I met Erika Ryan Weik. Though, we weren't insta-friends we became friends slowly over the months.
Then, next thing I know she's moving to Hawaii...
So, what was I supposed to do you ask? GO VISIT HER!
And this is what I saw! Welcome to Hawaii! Heck yes, I was totally down for this. :)
Reunited at last! She flew over to Da Big Island for a few days to visit us because she lives in Oahu. It was so great spending time with her and catching up.
We went to Rainbow Falls and she even birthed me in the picture! ;)
Then we went to the farmer's market and played around town.
Eventually we had to part ways, she had to go back to Oahu and we said our "I love you's"!
Then, I moved to Idaho for school and "got" to send her pictures like these, saying Aloha in the SNOW and not the sand. :)
In return I get kisses! :) I couldn't ask for a better friend!
I get amazing sunrise/sunset pictures with the love she confesses to me daily.
Erika loves me! I'm so lucky. :)
Lastly, she sends me Hawaiian sun! Not many things better than Hawaiian sun. :)

Erika always knows when and how to cheer me up when I'm down. Even a silly kissing picture can turn my frown upside down. Erika Ryan Weik, I love you mucho grande and I want to thank you for all you've done for me and all the many times you've listened to me complain and wine about the small things that don't matter. You're such a great friend and you deserve so much better than me! Thanks for putting up with me! I LOVE YOU! <3


While I stayed at Christal's apartment I had the honor of meeting this BIG plastic horse, named Charlie. He is an ongoing joke in her complex and he hops from apartment to apartment to say hello and maybe even make you scream a little, especially when he's in your shower or in your closet unexpectedly. I had my first encounter with him the first night I stayed there. Christal had put him in someone's shower and then we left to go to a party and then when we got home I went into her room and there he was, starring me straight in the eye. He's literally eye level with me! I was frightened to say the least and even screamed a little. Haha! How fun is this. Then we wanted to get her roommates back and so we stuck him in front of their bedroom doors so that when they got up early they could be graced with the unexpected hello from Charlie! (Refer to picture above!) The cool think about Charlie is is that he let me ride him!
How kind of him to let me hop up on him and take him for a little ride around the apartment! I wanted to take him home with me so he could hang out with my roomies but it just wasn't allowed/he couldn't fit. Well Charlie, until next- I'll be missing you! <3

Utah Bed Making!

Last weekend Miriam and I went to Utah to visit friends and to celebrate that we had been in Idaho for an ENTIRE month! Crazy time has gone but so quickly. Of course, in the moment it doesn't seem like time is going by that quickly but a month is a month whatever way you look at it. :)
For the first night I stayed at one of the sister missionaries apartment that taught me, "Sister" Christal Dent. This is how my bed was made... Step by step, just in case anyone wants or needs to repeat this wonderful creation!

 Step 1: Lay down couch cushions on the floor.
 Step 2: Lay a cute sheet on top and tuck under the sides.
 Step 3: Place pillow at the head of the bed.
 Step 4: Lay first blanket on top of sheet.
 Step 5: Lay second blanket on top of first blanket.
 Step 6: Lay top blanket over everything else.
Step 7: Place a folded blanket at the foot of the bed just in case you get extra cold!

And so it is! A wonderfully made bed on the floor that is way better than the hard mean floor. :) Doesn't get much better then this, folks. These experiences make Utah trips even better! <3