17 April 2013

20 Randoms

My friend Lizzie posted this on her blog and I normally wouldn't do something like this but I thought it would be fun. :)  Feel free to do this on your blog too!

What is your road trip essential snack?
Jerky, Cheez-Its (even though I'm lactose intolerant), peanut M&M's, grapes, and water.

You've been handed two free round-trip tickets... who are you taking and where are you going?
I would take Bri. All my other close friends are married! Haha.

What was your high school jam?
I loved "underground" pop/punk stuff in high school. I went to shows quite often.

Would you rather has a perfect bum, or flawless face?
Flawless face!

What shows are you ashamed to admit that you watch?
The Bachelor/ette... Haha.

What's your ringtone?
I'm not even sure... My phone is pretty much never on sound.

How old were you when you had your first kiss? Bleh, or Ooh la-la?
I think I was 18? Can't remember... And it was "bleh".

Do you have any siblings, and if so, where are you in the birth order?
I'm the middle child of two sisters.

What physical quirk were you born with?
I don't know that I was born with a quirk but I was really small! Around five pounds and 18 inches long.

What was your first car, and did you name it?
1986 Toyota Camry, her name is Lady Chestnut the fifth of spuds. For short, Lady Chestnut or LC.

What would you request for your last supper?
Anything is with cheese! I'm lactose intolerant so I can't have any but if it was my last supper who cares! Haha.

Have you ever been hospitalized, and if so, what for?
I got my tonsils out when I was around four.

How tall are you? Do you wish you were taller, shorter... or are you just right?
I'm five foot even and I love my height!

Do you prefer to DIY or hire out?

What do you eat for breakfast?
Oatmeal, cold cereal, toast, or a protein shake.

What would  you do for a living in you didn't need money?
Craft, be a party/wedding planner, volunteer anywhere, or travel.

Finish the sentence.. Every room needs...

How frequently do you wash your hair? Any hair tips?
Every other day. Hair tip- don't straighten your hair everyday!

Will you leave the house without makeup?
If I need to.

You just unloaded your Halloween haul... what candy do you go to first?
Reese's or Twix. Mmm.

What talent do you posses?
Sewing, babysitting (haha), photography, and I don't know! Stuff! Ha!

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