23 January 2011

Ice Skating- Outside!

Yesterday- Me, Miriam, and my roommates Gaby, and the two Lindsey's and Sean(Lindsey's friend) went ice skating at the outside rink right next to the temple. I've never even seen an outside rink before so it was really cool. Now, if you've never been on an outside rink it's much different then an inside rink. They're not taken care of as well. So, none the less- it was a bumpy ride! But super fun!

These are my skates- they weren't real tight on my ankles so I was a little wobbly.

Here's the rink!

Here's Miriam and I. It was Miriam's first time and she was such a trooper! :) Good job Mimi.

1 comment:

  1. you are to be congratulated with an extra cookie and cup of hot chocolate girl. that is amazing you have done so well in a tough subject class. way to go!! there is no doubt that you are in the right place at the right time. being homesick is like a bad case of the chickenpox...miserable and you feel awful and can't focus on anything else, then it slowly starts to heal and it never ever happens again quite this bad. and once you have survived being homesick, it empowers you to remember that you overcame that, you can overcome other things that happen. it makes you stronger. glad to see the cold weather hasn't dimmed your bright smile (but don't you hate to go outside with wet hair and have it freeze on your way way to class) love you and keep you in my prayers sweetie!
