Although, I was very sad to leave home(Portland) I'm grateful to be here in Rexburg. It's way cold and totally out of my comfort zone moving away for school but I know that it's where I need to be. So far, I haven't done much... Really, I haven't. Haha. Most of the time I'm doing homework. So much for a social life. But for the most part it's really paying off. I'm only taking 14 credits this semester but they're some high commitment/dedication classes. Anatomy & Physiology, Psychology, Math, Religion, and Piano. A&P is by far the most demanding class. I'm studying or doing homework for that class/lab almost everyday, and if I'm not I should be! Even though it's lots of work, I love it! Psychology is interesting. I don't know what to think of it. I just took a test for it today and totally bombed it. :( I was super sad about that but life goes on. Math is... interesting. It's more application more than anything thing else. Mostly story problems which I'm not the biggest fan of but it's math and I like it. Religion is really cool- I feel like the things being taught are so basic but I still feel like I'm learning a lot. And in piano... yikes! I was most excited for this class but I must say it's very tough for me. It takes so much dedication and practice time. It's hard to motivate myself to practice because all I do is homework! Overall, I'm loving all the challenges that have been placed before me!
Oh yeah, this week I went to see the academic adviser and they helped me so much. I have a grad plan for school, finally! It might take a few years to complete but overall, I'm stoked.
This last Monday we didn't have school because it was MLK Jr. Day and so some friends and I went to play racquetball and wollyball and it was super fun. We also went Thusday night. It's a great work out and real fun. I must say that I like volleyball better though. I'm better at it. Haha. Last weekend we also went over to some boys in our ward apartments and had a snowball fight! It was way fun except Miriam and I got hit in the face, OUCH! I ended up with three bruises I think. Mean boys! ;) Tonight I made cookies, not to bake but, to freeze and then eat the dough! Yummy. :) Tomorrow I think some friends and I are going to go ice skating OUTSIDE! I've never been to a rink outside. I'm super stoked. Well, I don't do much here so until next time...
Lindsey(floor), Miriam(on Lindsey), and Gaby(standing)- This is how we get the wollyball net up and down. :) What we lack in height we gain in ideas!