12 October 2010

Actions Will ALWAYS Speak Louder Than Words

I've made a new goal to bare testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ more often, even if it's not to someone through words or a note but ALWAYS through my actions. I'm a firm believer that actions speak louder than words- I've always lived by these few words. Today, I was thinking about it if it were applied to the gospel. I have a friend that's moving to Hawaii in two days and she wrote me a really nice letter recently and a line of it said, "You are a good example to me and I have been strengthened by your testimony." I do not know that I've ever verbally born testimony to her or even in front of her, in a formal sense, but knowing that something as simple as my daily actions can impact someone and give them even the impression of what my testimony may taste like satisfies me in every sense. I'm not one that's good with words and if I'm not 120% sure of everything I'm saying makes sense- I won't say it, but I do know that actions speak louder than words. I know that through being a good example you can impact other people's lives for the better. Our perfect example is Jesus Christ Himself, He has shown all of us the way. If we all strive to be like Him we will be blessed in every sense. I know these things to be true. While we are good examples to others they'll see the light of Christ in us and will have the desire to make the same or similar decisions we're making. In turn, we're helping them build a testimony of the most important thing on earth- the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! Go out and do! Be the person you want to become. The church is true people. 
Aloha E1! See you in November. :)

Left to right- Miriam, Briana, Me, Erika, Emily, Emma, and Vicky


  1. You have inspired me to bare my testimony more. Who is moving to Hawaii?

  2. Hey I'm excited to check out your blog! Oop over and check out mine some time, its chocolatedruleandkisses.blogspot.com love you!

  3. Erika Weik is moving to Hawaii... She flies out tomorrow morning! When I go to Hawaii with Miriam next month she's going to fly to the big island, where we're staying, because she lives on Oahu. Yay!

  4. ps. Crystal- I couldn't find your blog... :(

  5. AGGGHHH Crystal. I am crying right now! this was touching...thank you. Your testimony is very powerful because of the amazing person you are very day! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU NEXT MONTH!!
