27 March 2014

David Anointed King

Search 2 Samuel 1-10 and make a list of King David’s accomplishments.
He slays the Amalekite who claimed to have killed Saul
He became king over the house of Judah
He defeated Abner and the people of Israel
He conquered Jeruselum
He became King
He defeated the Philistines and many other nations
He executed judgment and justice to all his people.
He brought peace to Isreal
He offers to build a temple

Read 1 Chronicles 22:7-8 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for 2 Samuel 7:1-17, “Why Was David Not Allowed to Build the Temple?” (pgs. 289-90). Write your explanation of why the Lord did not want David to build a temple.
I believe that the Lord did not want David to build a temple because David had already offered up so many sacrifices unto the Lord and shed so much blood.

Read 2 Samuel 7:12-17 and write one or two sentences describing how you would feel if you were in a situation similar to David’s. Write one or two sentences describing how 2 Samuel 7:16 is a Messianic prophecy. Then read 2 Samuel 7:18-29 and summarize David’s response to the Lord’s message to him.
I would be thrilled and speechless and I would feel comfort knowing that I would receive that great blessing. His response shows who he is by his humility for that message shared with him through Nathan from the Lord.

20 March 2014

Every Man Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes


Read the chapter summaries for Judges 17-21 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for Judges 17:21, “Every Man Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes” (pg. 261). Write a brief summary of events described in these chapters.
There was a low observance of any kind of religion towards the end of Judges and it’s apparent with the things that take place. There’s idolatry set up, the rape of the concubine in Gibeah, and all but 600 of the Benjamites were destroyed. 

Read Judges 21:25. Explain in writing why this is such an accurate description of this terrible time of Israel’s history. Read John 14:6; 2 Nephi 9:28-29; Isaiah 55:8-9. Then write the reasons these verses give for why doing things the Lord’s way is so much better than our own.
Since they were not practicing any religion during that time they were not close to God and chose to do things in ways that they thought worked best. Clearly those ways are not the ways of the Lord because look at complete wickedness that was present. Those men chose to do what they thought was right in their eyes rather than the Lord’s eyes.
Jesus is the only way that we can make it back to Heavenly Father. What you might think to be wise is really foolishness because the Lord knows best and we should seek to do things His way. To have knowledge is good only is we listen to what He tells us to do with that knowledge. The Lord knows the plan that we need to live in order to be successful in this life and in the next. He has more knowledge than us to it would benefit us to humble ourselves and listen to His counsel and do things as He asks of us.

13 March 2014

Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve

Read Joshua 10:12-14 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for Joshua 10:12-14,
“Did the Sun Really Stand Still in the Heavens?” (pg. 240). Did the sun really stand still in the heavens? Write a paragraph how you could explain these verses to someone who says he or she won’t believe the Bible because of this obvious contradiction with science.
No, the sun didn’t stand still in the heavens because it is the earth that rotates around the sun. The sun does not move so really it was the earth that stopped moving so the sun stayed to give light all that time. God can make anything He wants to happen happen. In the Book of Mormon is talks about the how the Lord can dry up rivers and oceans or build mountains or even stop the earth in its rotation to lengthen the day. 

Read the chapter summaries of Joshua 7-22. Make two lists—one that identifies Israel’s successes and another that identifies Israel’s failures.
Takes Ai
Defeated the Amorites and their allies
Conquer whole land, destroying cities and nations
Conquered two kings on the east and thirty one on the west
Inheritances given
Defeated by Ai

Read Joshua 23-24 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for Joshua 24:1-28, “Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve” (pg. 242). What do you think was the major theme of Joshua’s final address to his people? Based on the lists you created from Joshua 7-22, write a paragraph that explains why Joshua chose to deliver his final address on this particular topic.
I love the theme that Joshua presents near the end of his life. “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” To me, that is powerful and when I hear it I think of agency. The first word says, “choose”. We are to choose between right and wrong. We can choose to serve God or to serve the adversary. Joshua is teaching us that we will be blessed when we choose good or when we choose God. Sometimes it’s hard to choose the right because we have not already made those choices. When I was baptized I made the choice that I will always pay my tithing, I will never drink coffee or alcohol, I will never have premarital relations, etc. So, when I’m faced with those temptations thereafter I know I’ve already made that choice. I’ve made the choice to follow the commandments and if you haven’t I invite you to do so.