Okay, SORRY for no updates since April. I've been one very busy little girl. :) Let me update you...
To start, I came home from BYU-I because I felt like I needed to be home. I wasn't enjoying it there anyway Don't get me wrong because I loved the school just not the location. I loved how you could ALWAYS feel the spirit so strongly there and the only other place that you can guarantee the spirit is the temple. What an amazing feeling. So, I came home the last week of April and since then I've been living between my mom's and sister's houses. Living out of suitcases for the past three months is not my idea of a good time or sleeping on an air mattress but I'm indeed grateful for them allowing me to crash each of their homes. I got my job back at Jamba Juice. I work with my best friend, Andrew, and his mom, Janice(She's like another mom to me!) It's a fun job and it was cool because when I decided to move home I still wanted/needed to take classes so I decided to take online classes part time, two classes. Janice let me only work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Don't be fooled when I said- part time. It was NOT part time homework. Lol. I had ten times the homework I would have had if I were at school taking full time classes, and I'm not kidding! I've been working about 20-25 hours a week while doing 20-30 hours a week of homework. All while living at my sisters most of the time... She has TRIPLET 18 month old girls. There's never a dull moment at her house or a moment of silence. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my nieces and seven year old nephew but they don't make it easy to get homework done. This semester I just finished has had it's up and downs, more downs then ups. It's hard to be on a semester schedule when everyone here is on a term schedule. So, they all finished school in May or June while I had to rough if out until the third week of July. It's not like we get much of a summer here in Oregon so that has kind of been a bummer. I'm glad to say that I just finished my last final about 20 minutes ago. The greatest feeling of accomplishment I cannot even begin to explain! I really didn't think I was going to pass my classes. What an awful feeling. I'm a perfectionist and to have there be a chance that I could fail my two classes was hanging over my head was really making me bummed. I'm glad to announce that I passed online anatomy & physiology 2 and online child development with C's. I really couldn't be more satisfied. If you would have asked me how I would feel about two C's on my transcript before I started these classes I would have been really not liking the idea of that AT ALL. I'm happy with what I have, a true miracle. :)
Here are a few things that I was able to sneak away from my busy schedule and do so far this summer...
12 of us went camping at Lake Billy Chinook. So much fun!
This is just a few of us that went to the Mollala Buckaroo(Rodeo). Yee-Haw!
(Notice Andrew's creepy mustache, he did that on purpose)